Friday, October 16, 2009

The Journey Begins

“It is the marriage of the soul with Nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Lately I have had a feeling tugging at me, hard to explain really, but there in the strongest sense lately. A feeling of wanting to get back to nature, to re-connect with the purities of the earth. The feelings draw me to a wooded, valley in a cabin or farm house, in the thick of nature at its finest. Pictures come to my mind, but even those I find hard to describe.

I desperately want to move to a very rural area, "off the grid" as I have discovered it is called. I even found a fantastic website to help me learn more:
I plan to research this more, but right now I just want to write how I have been feeling, so here goes.

I want to be in nature, surrounded by it's beauty. I want out of the city and the away from Walmart, strip malls and chain restaurants. I want to be more self-sufficient. I want to learn how to cook, grown my own organic garden and cook real meals. I don't want to own a microwave or eat frozen food. I want to eat from the earth and eat healthy. I want to have a horse, and chickens for fresh eggs. I want to grow flowers and apple trees. I want to go hiking and running in fresh air to hear only the noises of nature. I don't want cable t.v. or the internet (Although I knew this would not go over well with my significant other so I have compromised with the internet, but I will be using it very rarely). I want a cell phone only for emergencies. I want a land line again. I want to write people letters instead of sending an e-mail. I want to live near a small town that has parades and neat family owned shops and friendly people. As you can see I want a lot of things! The need for these changes has been so strong in me lately. I want to sell much of what I own, get back to basics and be happy with what I have instead of always wanting more. Some people might be thinking why so drastic? But this is what I feel I need for myself. I don't know when this all will happen, but I am on the journey to make it happen none the less. I am lucky enough to have an amazing better half who is willing to go on this journey with me, Thank You for that my love! I am very blessed. I just want to live more simply and right now I feel that to do that I need to be surrounded by nature. Granted I have never been a big nature person before, but have always respected it and appreciated it's beauty. Now I am ready to really experience it all, take it in and learn from it.

I want out of the rat race. I'm ready to start doing something that I want and love to do. Many years now I have been stuck and haven't had the nerve to stand up for what I want and need. Maybe because I didn't know what I truly wanted or needed. I feel that I am where I need to be right now, but that I am ready to be working on where I want to be headed. Ideally that is living off the grid, working on my creativity that I lost so many years ago and experiencing life in a new way. I think that writing about this journey will help me to understand what I'm feeling. By professing these feelings I am telling the universe what it is I am ready for next.